1-What are you offering at Be Free? I am so excited to be offering a Yin & Restore Yoga class on Tuesday nights at 7pm! I’m also hosting an event at the studio in December so keep an eye out for that!

2-Tell us a bit about your yoga journey! How has yoga helped you? Yoga has been an integral part of my life & healing journey for 10+ years. Yoga offers me a space to connect to myself, my body, and Spirit. It took me a long time to build confidence in my practice. Having spent most of my life as a bigger bodied person, I had a hard time in classes finding what worked for me in my body. Frequently cued postures like forward folds and bundle pose simply were not accessible for me and alternate options or modifications (that were actually helpful) weren’t always offered. Classes often moved too fast and I couldn’t keep up. It was discouraging. So I took a step back to focus on building MY practice- what worked for me and felt good in my body. Along the way, I learned from so many of the most brilliant teachers. Over time, I established foundations that helped me feel confident and capable in my practice. I started feeling very passionate about making yoga accessible to all and really taking any fear out of yoga. I completed my 200hr YTT at Be Free and it was the most activating and profound program I have ever been a part of. Since then, I have been teaching yoga to a diverse range of students and I am honored to continue doing so at Be Free!
3-Outside of Be Free, what else do you offer?Outside of Be Free I have a private practice where I offer Energy Healing, Bodywork, Coaching, and 1:1 Yoga & Movement Therapy Sessions!
4-What’s currently lighting up your world?Right now? A lot of things! There’s been an incredible amount of expansion in the last 3 months and all sorts of opportunities coming in for me which is exciting. My self care practices have been on point. I’m nourishing and taking care of my body better than I ever have in my life and that feels really good. Oh, and my cats. My cats always light up my world 🥰
5-What's one thing people might not know about you?One thing people might not know about me is that I was a Kickboxing Instructor for 5 years and I am trained in Muay Thai and Boxing!Find MishkaTuesdays 7-8:15pmYin & Restore On Instagram: @mishkamagic444