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You are invited on a sacred journey of self discovery, expansion, learning, and growth. 


Through our eight weekends together, you will not only deepen your connection to your inner-guidance system, but you will also have the opportunity to cultivate a new and profound relationship with your physicality. 

You will receive the tools to share this practice in a way that is unique, safe, and authentic to you and your body.


  What lights you up about yoga, and how can we magnify that light?  

How can you be a catalyst for others to connect to their own inner-guidance system?

How do we create greater UNITY, both within and in commUNITY?

How do we honor the roots of yoga and carry this wisdom as Americans?


Why Choose Root To Rise YTT?


This training is unique in that each immersive weekend centers thematically around a specific chakra.  The energetic centers of the chakras are our blueprint for learning and experiencing.  Through our eight weekends together, we will work our way from the Root to the Crown as we learn our energetic and physical anatomy, pranayama (breathwork), poses that center around the specific chakra, and so much more.  The intention of this training is to assist you in planting a firm foundation through your daily sadhana (spiritual practice), and to awaken you to YOGA (aka union) in all aspects of life.  When we begin to live our lives through the lens of yoga, everything shifts.


A note about the "style" of this training: The asana (posture) style of this training could be described as slow flow, rather than vinyasa.  There is a heavy emphasis on the breath (pranayama) and linking movement with breath, but this is NOT a vinyasa training. Students will learn the traditional "sun salutation" form, but are encouraged to create sequences that focus primarily on breath, meditation, stillness, balancing the basic elements of physicality, and SLOWING DOWN.  The emphasis of the asana aspect of this training is understanding how to balance the body/mind/breath, and making yoga accessible to ALL bodies.


We have an incredible staff of senior teachers who are so excited and passionate about sharing their yoga knowledge with YOU! Each teacher brings their own unique essence and beliefs about what yoga means.  This creates a beautiful opportunity for you to explore many aspects and vibrations of yoga and decide how your yoga wants to be expressed in the world.  It is our desire to help craft practitioners and teachers who are "mindful weavers" of breath, stillness, and movement.  We bow deeply to the roots and traditions of yoga, while also exploring how we can honor and grow yoga mindfully within our American culture.  We discuss and explore the difference between appropriation and appreciation of this powerful wisdom tradition. 


 Not only do we offer you the opportunity to dive deep into the many aspects that make up the yogic tradition, but you will also get to experience many out-of-the-box breakthrough exercises to connect you to yourself, your voice, and your power in a profound way.  Whether you decide to teach or not, this experience will change the way you look at, and move through the world.


The intimacy of a small group  (14 people max) is such a beautiful gift.  By the end of the training, you will truly feel like you have a new soul family. 


The training will include:

  • Anchoring In Your Sadhana For Transformation (daily spiritual practice)

  • Teaching Methodology: posture breakdowns,                                 sequencing, languaging, etc.

  • Anatomy/ Kinesiology - including a visit to the Colorado Learning Center of Human Anatomy 

  • Chakras/ Energetics

  • Philosophy: The Eight Limbs of Yoga & Tantra 

  • History of Yoga 

  • Being Trauma Informed & Understanding The Nervous System

  • Yoga & Social Justice - Stepping off the Mat & Advocating for UNION

  • Adjustments/Touch

  • Meditation

  • Intro to Ayurveda

  • Pranayama and Be Free Breathwork

  • Basic Prenatal and Yoga Postures for Disabilities 

  • Expanding the WHAT IS of Yoga

  • The Business of Yoga

  • Experiences of multiple styles of yoga including: Bhakti Yoga, Yoga Nidra, SATYA, Para Yoga, Yin, and Partner.


Your Teachers

Melanie Lighthouser

Lead Instuctor

Anatomy & Kinesiology

Transformational Experiences

Pose Breakdowns

...and much more

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Abhi Lijo

Master Class Teacher: Power of the Heart

Yoga History

Yoga Philosophy

Joe Somodi

Master Class Teacher

Stoking the Internal Fire

The Art of Meditation

Ange Stopperan

Master Class Teacher


The Business of Yoga: Marketing, Etc.

Vajra Yogini

Master Class Teacher: SATYA Yoga

Inversion Breakdowns

Deep Dive: Pelvic Floor

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Emma Horne

Intro to Ayurveda

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Master Class Teacher: Nada Yoga & The Power of the Voice

Faith Brandt

Master Class Teacher

Yin Yoga

Alexandra Jenkins

Master Class Teacher

Understanding Trauma & Nervous System Regulation

Dana Ripley

Master Class Teacher

Yoga Nidra

The training will consist of 8 full weekend immersions


2024 Weekend Dates:

Jan 12-14

Feb 9-11

March 8-10

April 12-14

May 17-19

June 7-9

June 28-30

July 19-21 (testing)



Fridays:  6-9pm

Sat: 9am-5pm

Sun 9am-5pm



The Be Free Healing Center

1006 Spring Creek lane

Ft Collins CO 80526


In addition to our eight weekends together, students will be asked to take a certain number of outside yoga classes throughout the training; to maintain a regular home practice; to write several papers; to keep up with required reading; and to complete both a written final and final teaching presentation.

In order to receive your 200hr certification, you must complete all required work and demonstrate your competence in your final exams.



More Information:

Please contact Melanie if you are have any questions!

or text/call Melanie@ 970-286-4447


Self-Investment Pricing: 

Self Investment :  $2500  

registration is now closed


Registration deadline Wed Jan 10th!


$500 deposit required at registration

Remaining balance can be paid in January, or broken into 8 payments (each weekend)

LGBTQ+ and BIPOC partial scholarships available upon request.

We are committed to making this training available to ALL who feel the call. 

Reach out to Melanie if money feels like a block. 






“Doing the YTT with Be Free was one of the best decisions of my life. The transformation I went through is quite incredible and has propelled me forward in life with a little more clarity, hope, confidence and connection.”

- Emma Horne '23


"Root to Rise was one of the most transformative experiences of my life, thus far. Melanie has cultivated a container that deeply honors the philosophy, tradition and lineage of yoga in all its forms, while fluidly interweaving her own eclectic knowledge and magic. Her emphasis and devotion to inclusivity allowed for me to soften into the experience and delve into self-study with a knowing that I was safe and supported throughout that process. Melanie’s use of the chakra system as a guide helped me to peel back the layers of self and explore the beauty of yoga in a way that felt digestible, yet thorough.

The guest lecturers provided a broad range of information that evoked inspiration and gave me an idea of where I’d like to focus my energy as I continue to deepen my knowledge and practice of yoga. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to get to meet my inner teacher, and to have become more aware of the teacher in all. If you’re looking for a well rounded and deep introduction to yoga teaching, look no more.

Thank you Melanie for exceeding my expectations for what a YTT can be. I am so excited to nurture the seeds that have been planted in Root to Rise 2022!"

- KC Trujillo '22


"I completed Root to Rise YTT in August 2022. In the year following, I’ve kept a home yoga practice regularly, but more significantly, I’ve sustained a life yoga practice that defines my purpose and my relationship with the world. I started law school just days after our Root to Rise closing circle. While the glow and freshness of graduation has worn, the warmth has transformed into a feeling of absolute presence in all my actions. What a gift to experience acceptance and gratitude for all the highs and lows of life. Thanks to the heart-centered work of Root to Rise, as I navigate the notoriously anxiety-inducing atmosphere of law school and legal internships, I’ve enjoyed an err of authenticity that is so palpable to others that it can change the tone of conversations to constructive and compassionate exchanges. As I look forward to a life-long legal career, I am so thankful to Melanie for creating an 8-month container where I walked away feeling confident and safe in my body such that I can pursue my passion to restore justice for others, while unapologetically expressing myself. I cannot speak highly enough of this incredibly transformative program. Thank you, Be Free. Thank you, Melanie."

 -Hannah A '22


“The entire experience empowered me to have the belief and confidence to be ok with where I am in my own practice of yoga.  This in turn, translates to being mentally grounded and giving myself the grace I deserve in everyday life situations.”

- Angela Polenz '23


"I raved about this class to my family and friends for the entire 5 months. I found so much learning, love, and expansion each weekend. Melanie has my great respect. She walks her talk. She is a teacher who is always learning and growing in her own understanding of yoga. She prioritizes the learning and honoring of yoga's roots and the 8 limbs of yoga. She is working hard to be inclusive and to honor the lineages and teachers that have come before us. She invites in speakers with a wide range of skills to expand our understanding. She structures and paces the classes beautifully. She has an incredible depth of knowledge and wide skill set! Melanie is a most remarkable YTT trainer. I feel sure that no one is more competent, compassionate, supportive, collaborative, humble, ethical and qualified for offering 200 hour YTT. This training has impacted my life to a degree that I never anticipated. Thank you Melanie. Much love and appreciation." - Kathy D '21



I loved Root to Rise. It was probably the best, fullest, most encouraging and deepest challenge to my person growth that I have experienced outside of marriage and parent/grandparenthood. It certainly provided the depth I was looking for to help me explore yoga in its fullest and most rooted expression. And there was so much more to discover and question and receive. I love how the training is centered around the chakras. Melanie has truly developed an amazing training.  She is  also personally very gifted as a teacher, in the physicality of yoga, the anatomy of the human body and in the realms of the spiritual. My hopes for my experience in yoga teacher training were met beyond my imaginings and then there was so much more to drink in. I am profoundly grateful to Melanie and Roots to Rise and all of the teachers that she brought into the mix." - Wendy L '21



The History of Root To Rise​

2023 brings the 9th graduating class of Root to Rise!

Root To Rise was created in 2015 by Melanie Lighthouser and Sohalia (Nicole) Hussain. With over 20 years of combined yoga teaching experience, the two women set out to create a training that was unique and offered students the opportunity to dive deep within and (re)discover their inner teacher.  In 2017 Sohalia moved away and Melanie decided to continue the Root to Rise tradition with the help of several incredible guest teachers.

To date, Root To Rise has certified 68 amazing beings to "go forth and share their light".  We are so proud of each of these humans!

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