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Meet Alexandra Jenkins!

My mom was my first exposure to yoga when I was in high-school in the early 2000's. I didn't care to join her then, because obviously if my mom did it, it wasn't cool. :) Now, it's one of the interests that my mom and I share, which bring Us closer together. 


I first joined a yoga class for myself about 4 years later in college to get some easy credit. I really fell in love with the after-glow of yoga then and began to pursue additional styles of yoga. 


I dove into Bikram yoga next, and really loved the heat and structure of the classes. When I first moved to Fort Collins in 2011, the Bikram studio was my second home, and helped me find a community to belong to. 


I moved to Fort Collins to pursue a Master's degree in English Education, but didn't complete that program. While figuring out what else I'd like to do, I decided I'd take a YTT program in the meantime. I completed that program in 2012. 


Twelve years later I am still teaching yoga. Yoga is a life long practice that has supported me through so many challenges and triumphs. 


Share a funny teaching moment - humor connects us all!!! :)

Honestly, I always find it funny when someone farts in class. I think it's because I live in a house with 5 boys (husband, 2 sons, a male dog and cat), where farts are really funny. I love it when it happens in class because it humanizes us, and because we all do a really good job of normalizing it together by not reacting; but inside I'm picturing my 6 year old with his mischievous grin, calling someone out on it. 


What would you advise yoga beginners?

Give yourself permission to just start. Try alot of different classes, with all different teachers and styles. One size definitely doesn't fit all, but there is something out there for everyone.  


How can people find you?

I teach Thursdays at 4pm, and rotating Sundays at 6pm. I teach slow, restorative classes that invite stillness and reflection. You can find me on the Be Free Website (, and on my website ( offering Restorative Bodywork Sessions and other one on one and group experiences. 



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