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Meet the Wonderful Kyle Smurlolee

  • Tell us about your Yoga journey, where does your passion for yoga stem from? What was your first yoga session, what made you decide to go?

First I got into spiritual books - shout out to Michael Singer, Eckhart Tolle, and Ram Dass - and began an introspective practice that I’d now refer to as svadhyaya (self-study). The insights into the workings of my mind and subsequent shifts in my experience ignited my interest in spirituality. Meanwhile, I had no regular exercise in my life beyond walking around my college/work campuses. So when my wife asked me if I wanted to go to a yoga class together, I figured it was a great opportunity to get some exercise in my life and explore another aspect of spirituality at the same time. Those first classes were in this gym/warehouse sort of setting. I remember being blown away by the sensations and release when I did pigeon for the first time. I also remember sitting in the car on the way home and marveling at how I felt in my body, this peaceful-alive-buzzy feeling… That setting didn’t feel quite right though so I decided to try out the nearest yoga studio. There I found a beautiful practice space overlooking a prairie, several teachers that resonated with me and spoke to the heart of yoga, and a vibrant community. That was when my yoga practice truly began. Many more books, friends, a Yoga Teacher Training, and a move later and I find myself here at Be Free, in another magical space and community ❤️‍🔥✨


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