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Meet yoga teacher Kristen Yarmey

  • Tell us about your Yoga journey, where does your passion for yoga stem from? What was your first yoga session, what made you decide to go?


Yoga Teacher with Drum
Meet yoga teacher Kristen Yarmey

My first yoga class was in college - we had to complete a gym credit and I thought yoga sounded like a pleasant thing to do for a semester. I was blessed with a really fabulous teacher who made me look forward to coming to class every week. I let my practice lapse after that semester, though, and it took me several more years to come back to it. I've gone through many phases since then - there were years when I was practicing vinyasa every day, and then a period where all I wanted to do was kundalini, and then a phase of mostly yin and restorative, and then a period where yoga didn't feel helpful and I needed to do some Pilates instead. Lately I've been learning more about anti-racist work and trying to feel into how to teach and practice without causing harm through cultural appropriation. Through all of my phases I've been so grateful for my own teachers, who have offered me strength, gentleness, wisdom, and song when I needed it. 

Yoga teacher laughing
Meet yoga teacher Kristen Yarmey
  • Share a funny teaching moment - humor connects us all!!! :)

For some reason, naked yoga and naked ecstatic dance tend to bring out the most laughter out of all the classes I have led. Whether someone cracks a saucy joke or we just feel giddy, we usually end up giggling quite a bit.


  • What would you advise yoga beginners?

Yoga stirs things up. It's perfectly normal and ok to have tears come up in class. 


  • How can people find you?

You can find me playing the gong on Wednesday nights, or you can check out my website at (it's always a work in progress). 

Yoga teacher in meditation
Meet yoga teacher Kristen Yarmey


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