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  • Writer's pictureMelanie Leithauser

Meet our New Co-Owner! Bianca (Bee) Myers

Hello beautiful Be Free Community!

I’d love to tell you a little about me and a lot about my WHY for stepping into co-owner at the Be Free Healing Center.

Like so many I found yoga on the path to healing from a physical injury which occurred while trying to take care of my body. As a young mom and new to Fort Collins, I didn’t have community or even know what that truly meant. After my first class I knew there was something bigger within this vast world of inner alignment, little did I know…

Life’s opportunities kept drawing me back to yoga until finally I dove in and signed up for my first 200 HR YTT. Side note: The universe brought Melanie and I together during this time, she inspired me in a way that gave me courage and filled me with curiosity!

Also, like so many I was doing this for myself not to teach yoga, how would I ever know enough? Leading yoga came naturally to me, and I fell in love with guiding people through the beautiful practice of exploring the art of yoga… Fast forward through Paddleboard Yoga certification, BE FREE Breathwork Facilitator training, 200 HR Hatha YTT and lastly Death Doula Certification and here we are in the present moment.


Here’s my WHY:

Sisterhood, CommUnity, Self-Love & Stepping into the FIRE!


Would you all believe me if I said, “Breathwork Told me So?” LOL!


Sisterhood, as I mentioned above, I met Melanie around the time of my first YTT about 9 years ago. She inspired the WILD WOMAN in me and the rest is HERstory!  Alex has been right there with me along the way as well, watching each other grow internally, raise families, and co-create spaces of deep healing together. From teachers, to friends, to sisters. I have been I the background of BE FREE as it was being born and carrying the torch is a great honor.


CommUnity, sweet, loving kind open hearted brave souls… Be Free is the most authentic version of community I have ever seen! Your curiosity inspires me to share my magic. It inspires me to slow down and be a witness. Your bravery on the path to healing lands deeply in my heart with such sweetness, I see you. The kindness of this community, just WOW, the ways in which you have all supported Be Free over the past 5 years truly fills my cup. You show the world what true kindness looks and FEELS like, Thank you.


Self-Love, being here is an expression of Self-Love. Surrounding myself with all of the above and helping to grow and cultivate more of this in the world today is Self-Love. The more I love me, the more I love you, the more we love each other, the deeper the healing.


Stepping into the FIRE! This is the vulnerable, raw, fierce, creatrix energy that flows within me. It is time for a full “FUCK YES” in my life! Fire is purifying and transformational, we are the flame that burns brightly into the dark night, and we are the phoenix that rises from the ashes. Inviting myself into the ring to shine my brightest, to lead with love and to co-create within but not limited to the beautiful container that is the Be Free Healing Center.




Yoga, Breathwork, Death Doula

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