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The Healing Center


 The Be Free Healing Center is a yoga and wellness studio that is warm and inviting, uniquely-creative, and  community-centered .  


We  provide an abundant home for yoga teachers,  students, local artisans, craft makers, and community. We are dedicated to creating brave and sacred space for ALL bodies, races, and orientations.  We have a regular schedule of yoga and movement classes,  Be Free Breathwork, weekly special events and workshops, and monthly gatherings. Look for  family movie nights, potlucks, and other conscious connection events that bring community together in fun and joyful ways on our Events page. 



We approach our class schedule with a unique perspective! 

We believe that by supporting teachers to bring their individual flavors and create the classes that ignite their OWN flame, they will spread that creativity and love to their students.  Each class on our schedule has its own name and flavor. 

We invite you to find the classes and teachers that speak to YOU!

We promise to always bring our hearts and creative spark to all that we do at Be Free.


The Be Free Healing Center is  a space to come and release all that you've been holding, get re-inspired in your
self-care, and learn something new while connecting with Self, friends, and family.We are home to incredible massage therapists, healers, and other wellness service professionals who are here to support you mind, body, and spirit. 

You can find more information about these services by visiting the Wellness Practitioners page. 


Community Agreements

Please read and digest our 10 Community Agreements.  When you enter our space, you are agreeing to abide by these principles and practices. 



1. We Practice Consent, Care, & Honor Each Other's Boundaries 


We acknowledge that each individual that walks in the door is in a unique energetic space. As a community, we practice care by asking for consent every time around physical touch, emotional check in, feedback, and social sharing. Consent or refusal can be given verbally or nonverbally, and can change at any time.  We acknowledge that each person knows best what they need for themselves. We recognize “no, thank you,” as a complete sentence and do not take other people's boundaries personally.  


Physical Touch: “Would you like a hug?” “Are you open to physical adjustments today?”

Emotional Check In: “May I share about something hard I am going through?” 

Feedback: “Are you open to/Is now a good time for me to share my feedback?” 

Social Sharing: “Can I post this picture on social media?”


2. We Engage Together In Brave Space


We collectively agree to encourage brave space within our community by inviting each person to ask for what they want and need, and choose for themselves within their practice.  In the community space, we engage together with the principles of non-judgement, and allowance in mind. 


3. We Value Community, Human Connection, and Meaningful Conversation


 We listen first from the heart, and honor that each has the capacity within themselves to heal and find their own truth. We are here to be vulnerable and to connect with each other, and not to “fix” each other.  


4. We Recognize Intent vs. Impact


When interacting, we agree to first assume positive intent. We agree to meet each other with the intention of kindness and positive impact and assume the other person meant well. We recognize that intent and impact don’t always match. (Impact meaning the way our actions/words are received). When conflict arises, we agree to first take reflective space and then work towards repair. 


5. In Conflict We Work Towards Repair


As a collective we value repair. Repair means that we practice self accountability and come together compassionately  to address the rupture.  We seek to practice immediacy by addressing the rupture as soon as possible. 


Addressing the rupture might look like direct communication with the source, putting feedback in the anonymous comment box, emailing/talking with the owners, or speaking with our Community Peacemaker, Baheya. 


When needed, a neutral third party can be made available to aid in the process. 


6. We Practice Confidentiality and Refrain from Gossip. 


We recognize many vulnerable stories and experiences are shared in our space. We hold each person’s name, experience, and story in confidentiality. This means that we refrain from sharing names or details unless explicit permission is given. We recognize the energetic impact of our words, and refrain from gossip. 


7. We Practice "Both/And" Thinking


In our culture we have been programmed to believe that there is only one "right" way in any situation . As a collective, we agree to practice Both/And Thinking, which allows for multiple truths to exist at all times. We practice holding multiple points of view as true, and make room for diversity of perspectives and experiences.


8. We Practice Cultural Appreciation vs Appropriation


We acknowledge that as a space that weaves together many wisdom traditions,  appropriation exists.  We name, honor, and respect the roots of the teachings and practices offered here with love and integrity. As a collective, we value and seek continued education, unlearning, and open-hearted conversations around all aspects of colonization and cultural appropriation.  The learning/unlearning never stops.  


"Cultural Appropriation- Taking something from a culture that is not ones own. Involves privilege and a power imbalance plus harm to the source culture. The harm can be of disrespect and also of material, cultural, economic, social and spiritual harm." - Susanna Barkataki 


9. We Acknowledge Systems of Privilege and Practice Inclusivity


We acknowledge that systems of financial, gendered, and racial privilege exist. As a healing space, we work toward inclusivity; and acknowledge, honor, and value the diversity of all bodies. 


As a community, we agree to the following:

To honor desired pronouns, ask if unsure, not make assumptions about gender and sexual orientation, and practice gender neutral language (ya'll, folks, friends).

To refrain from commenting on other peoples bodies/abilities.

To support the sliding-scale model by choosing to pay what best reflects our financial ability at the time. 


10. We Practice Making Mindful Choices for our Planet. 


We acknowledge that part of the practice of yoga is recognizing that each one of our choices impacts the whole. Therefore, we seek creative solutions to support our planet and collectively agree to prioritize producing less waste here at the studio. 


- Our deepest gratitude to KG Martinez & Dr D for your help and support in the crafting of these agreements.  

Thank you to all those who have come  before us on this path and upon whose agreements we took inspiration. 




From everyone here at the Be Free Healing Center,  WELCOME!

We can not wait to support you in experiencing your own #befreerevolution.



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